COMPANY | Banner Stakes- Nation’s largest portable barricade manufacturer

WEBSITE | www.bannerstakes.com

PROBLEM | GVATE was initially approached with the task to redesign the website and implement custom features. The client’s website had a complex hosting system which was foreign to other prospects who wanted to work on the project. The goal was to develop a website that was flexible, user friendly and optimized for all search engines. With knowledge and background in developing custom website, technologies and plugins, the client was comfortable proceeding with GVATE.

SOLUTION | GVATE assigned a campaign manager to this project to ensure that all specs and requirements were followed and executed accordingly all in a timely manner. While developing the website, GVATE also assigned an SEO expert to work with the development team to ensure that the website was optimized from the backend to the front end of the website. Competition research was conducted to decide on the best keywords to use on the website to ensure that the website receives the maximum exposure on search engines when it goes live on the web.  

RESULT | After taking the website live, the traffic gradually started going up. Bounce rate on the website stayed below 50% and the engagement on the website was better than predicted.

GVATE Growth Graph
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