SEO Tip | WordPress and the Use of Permalinks

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What is a Permalink? Are you a web page  owner and you’re wondering what benefits does permalinks have for you? Why should you set up permalink for your posts using WordPress?   Why set up a permalink for your blog  using WordPress? Permalinks have several benefits  to offer and has been key to success for many businesses. They will help improve your search optimization and make your posts  easy to find  and to understand.

What is a permalink?

Permalink is a URL that points  to a specific blog post or particular web page, the link will always direct readers to the content and can also be transferred in external and internal ways .

By default, a WordPress permalink looks like this


Important SEO Note: avoid ending your permalink in numbers and random combinations of numbers and text. If you can replace it with a name that relates to your post so search engine have a better idea of what that page is all about.

why do we recommend you to use permalinks?

When searching for results on google, four pieces of information are given to readers as results , containing the title, the permalink, the date and the description.

Permalinks can benefit your search optimization in different  aspects, and most SEO experts agree that the use of  Keywords will tremendously boost your rankings.

Oftentimes  readers don’t  know where to find  what they are looking for so to make it easier for them, you should start using Permalinks and Keywords. It will help  you get one step closer to your goals. The content is found easier, the reader are satisfied and you get more business .


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