Is Video Advertising good for my business?


(Note: to read the condensed version of the article, scroll down to the bottom of the page)

Video Advertising undoubtedly is good for your business, and it is even the most effective way to promote your brand. 

From communication perspective:

Videos combine visual, emotional and sound effect so that informational and emotional messages can all be expressed effectively. Visual effect can tap right into our dominant sense to offer instantaneous visceral experience. Emotional effect increases our connection to the content. Sound effect aids the emotional effect. Based on Forrester Research, people are more likely to memorize the information under visual and auditory stimulation.


Communication is a big part in the effect of video.


From business perspective, here are some numbers:

  1. 85 percent of people are more likely to buy a product once they see an accompanying explainer video.
  2. 52 percent of people say that watching product videos makes them more confident in their online shopping decisions.
  3. 64 percent more likely to buy the product are people who watch promotion video.
  4. 70+ percent of internet users watch videos online.
  5. A video in Google’s index is 53 times more likely to appear on the first-page search results. If you have a dedicated website, you can gain ranking through good and ethical SEO. SEO stands for search engine optimization, which can help you increase your visibility in a search engine’s unpaid result page (SERP). The more often a website appears on the first page, the higher the frequency of visit to the site will be. GVATE(New York City SEO and Online Marketing company) is on the first page of Google Search engine because of our unrivaled SEO knowledge and skills. Reach out to us for a free SEO consultation!
  6. 50 percent of the content can be remembered by the average people via video, while only 10 percent can be remembered by simply audio.
  7. 50 percent of all mobile traffic is caused by online video.
  8. 88.3 percent of video viewers finish videos that are roughly 30 seconds long
  9. Other features that can’t be measured in numbers: the comments section that are more and more popular can increase your interaction with your customers. Public’s growing enthusiasm in online videos generally.

From business perspective to explain why Video Advertising is better

Here are some sample service videos – Videos Created by GVATE:

Improcom Salesforce Integration Video by GVATE LLC


Onlinekars Service Video by GVATE LLC


Video advertising video by GVATE LLC



SEO (Search Engine Optimization) video by GVATE LLC



GVATE Service video


Get in touch with us today if you wish to make your own service video. 


generate money from video

How to make your videos stand out?

  1. Keep the video as short yet informative as possible. Look at those Super PAC videos, they are all about 1 minute. Preferably, the video is less than 1 minute. If you expect it to contain more information, make sure the information is not too business-orientated, make it more entertaining and educated, and remember to keep less than 3 minutes.
  2. Personalize the video. In order to better connect with the customers, you need to show them that you’re putting yourself into their shoes and that your team know what they feel. Therefore, you can add some personal messages from employees and customers, and some transaction clips.
  3. Humor! You don’t want your customers to feel intense throughout the video, do you? But, you also don’t want them to see you as a dyed-in-the-wool comedian (of course, please do so if that’s your selling point).
  4. Add your contacts information. Again, you don’t want your customers to simply watch your video and have to google your brand to find you (which they possibly won’t do so willingly).
  5. Bonus in the video. Add some special offer, coupon or sales in the video. That’s one of the reasons why people love Ellen Show. After watching the video, they can’t wait to get the discount provided by the company!
  6. Promote your video. Do some research on which video sharing platform do your target customers like to go.
[Video advertising can increase the conversion rates, better introduce your product, increase customers’ interests, rank higher in Google search, make your brand easier to be remembered, and increase your interaction with the customers.]–Condensed Version of this Article
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