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    What is Headline? Why is it important | GVATE TV

    https://www.gvate.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/What-is-Headline-Why-is-it-important-_-GVATE-TV.mp4 Headline: Headlines are lifelines to our readers. Contact for PPC, SEO and Online Reputation Services: Start with budget as low as $500/month NAME* EMAIL* PHONE* Budget Break Down —Please choose an option—< $1,000/month$1K-5K/month$5K-20K/month$20K-$50K/month>$50K/month

    What is Heading? Why is it important | GVATE TV

    https://www.gvate.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/What-is-Heading-Why-is-it-important-_-GVATE-TV.mp4 Heading: Heading tags (H1-H6) separate content into sections, based on importance, with H1 being the most important and H6 being the least important. Headline tags should be used naturally and should incorporate your target keywords where relevant, as doing so may provide a small SEO benefit. Contact for PPC, SEO and Online Reputation Services:...

    What is Hyperlink? Why is it important | GVATE TV

    https://www.gvate.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/What-is-Hyperlink_-Why-is-it-important-_-GVATE-TV.mp4 Hyperlink: Its an element in an HTML document that links to either another portion of the text or to another report altogether. Contact for PPC, SEO and Online Reputation Services: Start with budget as low as $500/month NAME* EMAIL* PHONE* Budget Break Down —Please choose an option—< $1,000/month$1K-5K/month$5K-20K/month$20K-$50K/month>$50K/month

    What is Heading Tags? Why is it important | GVATE TV

    https://www.gvate.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/What-is-Heading-Tags_-Why-is-it-important-_-GVATE-TV-1.mp4 Heading Tags: Heading tags relate to the visible text on the page and help tell search engines about the page. Contact for PPC, SEO and Online Reputation Services: Start with budget as low as $500/month NAME* EMAIL* PHONE* Budget Break Down —Please choose an option—< $1,000/month$1K-5K/month$5K-20K/month$20K-$50K/month>$50K/month
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